Thursday, June 20, 2013


Some people go through their lives looking for a purpose for it, other people do not even think about goals for their lives, another people think they have all the answer and have their life already set up and have a clear path where to go. I believe everybody and nobody have the answer, contradictory, right? Certain people, like me are in constant searching for the truth, but what is really the truth? What is that we truly are looking for and why we are looking it?

Last week, I went to a church where Frank Kelly was speaking. He has a ministry where he serves as spiritual guide, gives classes, retreat, and conferences about God’s word and work. He claims to have a gift of discerning word of knowledge and healing- often accompanied by scriptural verses personally designated for the person with whom he talks. He talked to me, and even was not what I was expecting; he could tell me the reality of my anxiety. Moreover, he told me that anything that gives me peace it comes from God. Yes, I know, any Christian person know that peace=God, but this was not the case.

I tend to be a little bit skeptical with this type of things, but I feel that I need answers, answers that only God and I can give.  Reading my devotional of today, Jesus tells me that He is everywhere, in people faces, in the sky, in the breeze, anywhere where I want to see Him.  Again, time is a precious and expensive (not only monetary) thing when we do not manage correctly. I acknowledge that I need to start make more time for God, as I use to do, because as a conclusion; when I start letting time pass by without thinking in God, without recognizing His work in my everyday life is when I start feeling lost.  The best part is that He always is waiting for me no matter what I have or haven’t done, He is always waiting for me to seek Him, and that gives me peace and hope. 

Jeremiah 29:13-14
13 You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. 14 I will be found by you,” declares the Lord, “and will bring you back from captivity.

Big Hug,

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