Thursday, March 29, 2012

What Are You Doing?

Yesterday, I was talking about make the difference in our community or society.  Did you make the time to think about that? Have you have the idea of what are you going to do to make the difference? I guess not or maybe yes? Anyways I have couple of suggestions for you to make the difference in your community.

You can start with talking with you kids about drugs, talk about sex, talk about consequences and talk about responsibilities.  You can visit a shelter and volunteer to do anything. You can visit a nursing home.  Did you know that our old people have tons and tons of histories to share with anybody? You don’t need to do much effort just sit and enjoy some histories. Imagine be all by your self in this word, your spouse die, your parents die, you siblings die or do not remember you. You don’t have kids or your kids live far away to take care of you.  That sounds scary and sad at least for me.  I had heard that grays are not just white hair but life experiences.

 Think about what are you gift from God? Do you know how to bake? Do you enjoy gardening? Do you like reading to others? Do you like listening other people histories? God give us gifts not for us and only us, God give us gifts for be share with the people that do not have the gift.  Think you buy new and nice shoes, would you like to show everybody your new shoes? Would you like that everybody look at your new shoes and the good looks on you? Apply the same to the gifts from God.  Share it, show them, and enjoy them.

 Have you ever thought about send a letter to someone in prison? I never think about that.  What I can write to them? Why I have to help them? if they make the wrong decision and now they are have to pay the consequences. Why be kind with them? They deserve be there. Have you ever been in prison? I never have been there but I bet have to be scary and sad. If we can support and share God’s word with this people I am 100% sure that we will be making the difference in our society. Do you have to loose something if you try? Would you gain something if you try?  I found this website is for write to prisoners check it out

 John 5:24
24 Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life. He does not come into judgment, but has passed from death to life.

Big Hug,

Wednesday, March 28, 2012


Have you ever complain about how bad is our society these days? Have you ever complain about the bad government? Complain about so much criminality, drugs, and bad education? I confess, that I have done that.  I complain, about how bad government manages society problems, I complain, about education; I complain about drugs, complain about discrimination, and so on, and on.  Today, there are so much society problems that I don’t know from where to start to fix it if I were the president of a nation.

The other day, I was talking with my older son, and he was telling me about a rap artist that when he was young he sell drugs because he was “alone” and he do not have other alternative to make money and survive. The rapper ends up in jail. I tell my son that what the rapper action was wrong, because there is other alternatives other than sell drugs, that there is always other alternatives. His comment freaks me out a little bit, but I talk, and re-talk to him that there are always other options.

Later on that week, I was talking with someone, and this person told me about one time that s/he was in really bad economic shape and desperate that s/he think in transport drugs from one point to other. I told this person that is just not right think about it, yes you not are consuming the drug, but you are putting available to other people maybe kids to sell and consume it.  I just connect my son comment with her/his story, and I really get upset.  I told her/him imaging that you did the transportation and my son have that thinking of making easy and fast money (he is vulnerable) what do you think will happened?

We all are part of a society we like it or not. If we, as individual people have an individual thinking (selfish thinking) we, as society never will prosper. Each and every one of us is part of a community, society, culture, and country. What are you going to do to change the society that you complain so much about it? Yes, you might not be able to change the whole system, but you can make the difference in you house, work, family circle, and friend circle. Think about that, what you can do? You just need do baby steps.

Hebrews 10:24-25

24 And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, 25 not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.

Big Hug,

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Why Read The Bible?

Do you know where the Bible came from? Do you know why the Bible is important to us? Do you know why we need to read the Bible? These are questions that I make myself almost every week when I go to church or when I read the bible some nights. Looking for information about the Bible it said that the Bible is divide in two; Autographs which are he original text written by the author’s hands and the manuscripts which were hand copied onto papyrus, parchment, and paper. The first printed the Latin Bible in 1456. Also the bible is written in two parts, Old Testament and New Testament.

It is known that close to 40 men written the Bible, but all of them claim to be God’s word and those they were guide by the Holy Spirit. Two things that caught my attention from one of the sources where I were looking information about the Bible is that because were written that makes it more accurate to be true if you compare with words stories, and second the difference in years when the bible were written, starting with the year 1875 B. C. and latter years 350 A. D.

Today we still use the Bible as an instrument of leaving in a good way, an instrument to heal, and an instrument to hear what God have to tell us, an instrument to know what to do in conflicts, an instrument for inspiration, and many other uses.  Even that many people do not believe that the Bible is an instrument from God; many people think that because men wrote the Bible anybody could do it. I think that are people that do not take the time to proof their thinking, and to learn with reasonable proof the credibility of the Bible. If you want to know more about God where would you go? Where do you reach for Him? I see the Bible as a baby album that have been fill up completely, before born to death.

Why people give so much time to read and listen to the news, other people lives, and cannot make the time to learn new things about God, learn how to live a better life, learn about their God, learn what God have to tell them? Try this, ask everybody around you if they believe in God, then ask them what they know about God.  Will be sad and incredible see that the majority of the people belief in something that they do not know. Make some time to know your beliefs; it is the only way to be a truly belief in something real. That will help you appreciate more and defend your beliefs.

2 Timothy 3:14-17

14 But as for you, continue in what you have learned and have become convinced of, because you know those from whom you learned it, 15 and how from infancy you have known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. 16 All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, 17 so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work. 

Big Hug, 

Wednesday, March 21, 2012


Have you ever presence a miracle? Yes? No? I am sure you had but you do not recognize it.  We are witnesses of miracles every day when we open ours eyes everyday, when we arrive to our destiny without accidents, when we see a pregnant women, when we know a baby has born, we witness miracles when we see people get better after a bad illness, we observe miracles when a child decide said no to drugs and alcohol, and many other situations that we live everyday in our lives.

Yesterday, I went to visit a person at the hospital that he just get an operation, and he was diagnostic with cancer couple of years ago.  I did not know this person; all I know is that he was in the hospital and need people to visit him. I recognize the importance of visiting people that are sick at the hospital, but I never visit someone that I did not know before.

In my way to the hospital I was thinking what I could say to him? What I say to his wife? What I have to do? I was worry. When I get to the hospital, I have to admitted the hospitals are not the best place to be or go, for me they are kind of sad. When I get to his room there he was with his wife. I knew his wife from a retreat from church. I see him say hi to him, ask him how he was feeling, and then do what I am really good at, talk, talk, and talk, (thanks to my dad!) Time go really fast! He seems kind to dizzy with the painkillers and my talk! After a while family members came to the room with their daughter and his face was totally different, his eyes just bright like to big stars, and he was smiling. There, I see a miracle, the miracle of love. How the love of a father for a daughter can heal and change the look of a person that just resent have an operation and have cancer.

His wife was happy, and mentioned that even this surgery was kind of more serious from the other 10 surgeries that he had since 2007 this one he recover faster, could be just science? or all the people that is praying for them and visiting him at the hospital even that we do not know him? Is this a miracle? I believe so, when we pray all together with faith and love miracle happens!  Today, he is returning home, and I am very happy for them.

Isaiah 29:14

14therefore, behold, I will proceed to do a marvelous work among this people, even a marvelous work and a wonder; for the wisdom of their wise men shall perish, and the understanding of their prudent men shall be hid.

Big Hug,

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Do Not Wait...

Last week I had that kind of week where you hate your hair; you don’t like how you look, when that days for women are close to come… Well, I had two estrangers in two different place and time that told me that I have a pretty hair. They were just passing by and just make the comment to me. They don’t know but they make my day!

Sometimes we give for granted our couples, kids, family, and friends.  We do not take the moment to tell them how pretty they are, how proud we are of them, how grateful we are for the things that they do for us, we don’t say to them how much we love them, and we do not make the time to spend with them doing things together and sharing new experiences with them.

Then come the whys? Why my couple is unfaithful to me? (This is not an excuse to be unfaithful!), why my child is using drugs, why my child don’t trust me? Why my friend does not call me anymore? Why my couple does not spend time with me? Why my family does not help me when I need? Why God has abandoned me?

It is important that we share moments together with the people that we love, is important that we say to somebody how good they looks (without been disrespectful), is important that we pray and talk to God, is important say “I love you” and said “I am sorry” Life is very fragile. You do not know when a car accident might occur, or when a sickness will end your life. Why people try to spend a lifetime in a minute? Why people have to wait until the other person disappears to emend what was wrong? Lets make the difference today, said something nice to an estranger, to your kids, family, and friends. Take the “risk” and said “I love” you to your spouse or couple tell them how good they look. Anyways, think what you have to loose and what you will gain?

I Love you guys very much and Thank you for reading!  

Romans 12:9-13

 9 Love should be shown without pretending. Hate evil, and hold on to what is good. 10 Love each other like the members of your family. Be the best at showing honor to each other. 11 Don’t hesitate to be enthusiastic be on fire in the Spirit as you serve the Lord! 12 Be happy in your hope, stand your ground when you’re in trouble, and devote yourselves to prayer. 13 Contribute to the needs of God’s people, and welcome strangers into your home. 

Big Hug,

Friday, March 16, 2012


Have you notice the beauty of the spring? How many trees full of gorgeous flowers and the tiny leafs stating to bloom? What about the nice singing of the birds? Last night I wake up in the middle of the night with the bright lightning going on in my backyard, and even that can be scary was really pretty too.

I was talking with someone, and he was telling me how he does not like one person from his family because past bad experiences with that family member. I call that resentment. Resentment is equal to pain, unhappiness, reduce of patient, and many others unpleasant feelings. I look the definition of resentment and found that resentment is “to feel bitter, indignant, or aggrieved at” You know what is worse? Resentment is just like love can grow with time.

Lets make an example; let say that you have a pretty garden, where love is you flowers, and bushes. The resentment is your weed. Usually, when we have weed in our gardens we need to kill them. We have to cut them from the roots so they don’t grow again. That is what we need to do with our resentment cut it from the roots to prevent to keep growing and expand in our hearts.

The best way to cut resentment from the root is with forgiveness.  I know is hard and painful forgiving someone that hurt us. But think this way, the other person probably does not even know that you are mad at him or her and is living “happily ever after” and you are here with a big resentment that is making you a bitter person. Just talk with that person or forgive that person and move on. In this we have to be like kids. This is one of the many reasons kids are better than adults. Young kids get mad to each other and latter they are playing like nothing happened.  I saw that when my kids were like 4 and 5 years old.  Probably doing that you will start noticing the beauty of the blooming season!

Ephesians 4:31-32

31 Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander be put away from you, along with all malice. 32 Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.

Happy Weekend,
Big Hug,

Thursday, March 15, 2012


Do you think that you can learn new things in life? Do you think you can learn new things about you, your kids, your couple, your friends, and your work? I believe that everyday we can learn something new about anything or anybody. Reading a book this morning for college I learn something in the scriptures 6 But whoso shall cause one of these little ones (child) that believe on me to stumble, it is profitable for him that a great millstone should be hanged about his neck, and that he should be sunk in the depth of the sea” Mathew 18:6 Ouch! That sounds creepy coming from the scripture, but is a way to teach us how important are the kids to God, which should be so important to us too.

The other day, this week, and this morning I have been learning something that I might (I know) know about me, but have been giving to myself tons of excuses of why? I know that one of my terrible weaknesses is that I want everything now and in my way and if that not happened I would be mad. Do you know a weakness of you? I recognize that I need to work on that. Also recognize that is not easy and take time, time and time, the most important thing is keep trying. With love and patient will be possible.

Everyday God gives us a new opportunity to be better person.  God send us angels that even sometimes we think that they are not angels they are.  They are opportunities for us to better person. Kids, friends, couples, estrangers, boss and some many other people that cross our road everyday. I know is hard accept that we are not perfect and we make tons of mistakes everyday, but God knows that we are not perfect, He just give us experience in live to be better peoples. Do you know what thing are you doing today to be a better person?

Isaiah 41:13
13 “For I am the LORD your God, who upholds your right hand,
Who says to you, ‘Do not fear, I will help you

Big Hug,

Wednesday, March 14, 2012


Yesterday, in our monthly meeting we were talking about humbleness. We were analyzing why bad things happened to good people, why sometimes we have to go through so hard times? I am sure that even the happiest person in this world has been going through hard situation from time to time in their lives.  We definitely, do not have an answer for; why babies die before they even born, why good people had accidents and cannot walk anymore, or why good people get cancer and have to suffer so much and sometimes even die.

Things happened for a good God’s reason, I truly believe that when bad things happened to me is for two reasons; God wants to teach me some lesson and is protecting me from something or because I choose do things in the hard way. To be honest, I think must of the time bad things happened to us, because we choose take the hard way to do things. I got couple of examples to share.

Lets said that you get married with someone, and you married without love, married just for money, or just married to not stay alone.  How do you think will be that marriage? Then we tend to blame everybody else except ourselves that put ourselves in that situation. Another example, you want a house, and work hard to get a house, the bank approves you a limit for you to buy the house. What do you do? Do you buy the expensive, nicer, and bigger one that will put you at the borderline of your budget and even past the limits? Or you try to fine one that will be easy for you to make the payments, even though is not that pretty or big? Most of us will choose the bigger and expensive one, and we live in a tight budget or just simply don’t have money for nothing. Then, why? why God is so bad to me? Why He does not give the money that I need? Another example lets say that you have

Definitely no always we have control of a sickness or an accident or things that goes bad in our live, but very often we do have the option to choose wisely our alternatives.  God gives us the power of free will, how do you use this power.  Definitely, I sometimes abuse of this power, and lead me through hard times.  We have to choose our options in a humble position, asking and trusting in God in a humble sense, to guide us through the right path.

1 Peter 5:5-7

Likewise, you who are younger, be subject to the elders. Clothe yourselves, all of you, with humility toward one another, for “God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.” Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God so that at the proper time he may exalt you, 7 casting all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you.

Big Hug,

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Keeping the Truth

If you are one of the “fortunate” like me that have to wake up in the mornings to go work, you must notice, and I hope you did, how beautiful, full of energy, and wonderful is the nature.  As I was walking to take my bus I can hear the birds singing very loud and pretty. As I was walking to my bus I just put attention to their singing trying to find where they were. Coupe of weeks ago I cannot hear anything and now the birds are announcing the coming of the beautiful of spring.

Yesterday my brother calls me, and in his picture profile he had a picture that I couldn’t understand what means.  I ask him what about the picture, and he responds that was Kony, the Uganda killer and the #1 must want! He explains to me a little bit about it, but we didn’t finish our talk. Last night, I was with my BF at home having dinner, cleaning, organizing, and doing tons of things that I usually do in the afternoon/nights during the week. My BF connects his computer to my TV and he was watching the same video that my brother talks to me in the morning (coincidence!) I start watching the video, and I almost cry. The things that they presents there are really cruel things. After the video, I ask my BF what he think about that? and he just said “big thing the technology” in my head instantly, I said; wow I almost cry with the presentation and that is all you can said about it???

I went to bed thinking what I can do to help this people? I tend to react according my emotions 99.9% of the time. I just think and think things that I can do to help this people. When I get to work I ask my coworker about the subject and he send me a link, (which I include in here). The link makes me remember my BF's comment from last night. The technology is a really powerful tool that cam make good and bad things. We have to be really careful with what we read and believe. Out there are tons and tons of people that want to help and tons and tons of people that just want to take advantages of the less fortunate.

I include the link of both side so you can se both side of the coin and decide what to think.  I also look information in the library from my school and found an article that I include here too.  We need to help others and I am the first in line for that, but I need to be 100% sure that I am truly helping others and not letting others taking advantage of my good desire to help.

Matthew 7:15-17

15  “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves. 16 You will recognize them by their fruits. Are grapes gathered from thornbushes, or figs from thistles? 17 So, every healthy tree bears good fruit, but the diseased tree bears bad fruit.

Big Hug,

Monday, March 12, 2012

Trust or Not Trust

Sometime in life we want everything right away. A rise salary, a better job, a job, a bigger house, a house, a boyfriend, a husband, a better marriage, kids, friends and much more. We ask God to give it to us NOW! And we get disappointed if we don’t get it, and our faith start vanishing, and we start getting doubts if God is listen to us or not. That happened to you??? It happened to me almost every week.

I am constantly asking God for things for me, my kids, my couple, family, friends, and for me again! Sadly or happily I don’t get what I want right away sometimes I don’t even get it. That can be very frustrated for me because sometimes I think I might be losing time praying, and praying, and do not getting or see any change or don’t see what I want to be happening in my life or others people lives.

I thinking I have two options, I can stop praying so much, and start believing that God really don’t cares about me or even if He is real.  I also can think that God knows me better that I know myself, that He knows what I need and when I really need it. All I have to do is trust in Him and keep praying and not lose my faith on Him.  I think we have to put things in a balance what is better for me? How I feel better? If I think that God do not have time for me that God is not really God or I can think God is merciful and wiser than me and He is and will be there with me no matter what I get or do not get. Think about this, what do you have to lose if you don’t believe in God vs. what you have to gain when you trust in God?

Our faith is really fragile like a flower plant.  If you give it time to water them, move them to get some sunlight, protect them from cold weather, if we put some fertilize on them. The flower plan will grow will be strong, but you have to be careful any hard wind can harm it or too much sunlight can be harmful too.

Psalm 56: 4
4In God I will praise His word, in God I have put my trust; I will not fear what flesh can do unto me.

Big Hug,

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Bad Cycles

Sometimes we want to teach people how do things or how to talk to us.  Have you ever realize how do you try to do this? When your kids or your significant other do things in ways that from you point of view is wrong, how do you tell them that is wrong or that you don’t like how the are doing things? Do you yell at them? Do you just ignore them, and you do it the next time? Do you try to talk patiently and explain you point?

I always tell my kids how you treat others are the same way they will treat you. If you don’t like people tell you names, don’t tell them names, if you don’t like that other people yell at you, you should not yell at them, if you like people talk to you patiently, you have to talk to them patiently. If you sow sadness, anger, and disrespect, you will harvest the same sadness, anger and disrespect.

We live in a society that people do not care about anybody or anything. People just care about themselves. We learn to live that way, and treat people that we love in the same way.  It is like a cycle.  We should from time to time evaluate how we are treating others specially the ones that we love.  Patient is something that you learn and develop with time if you believe in yourself. No because you think you are not a patient person means that you never will be patient.

Would you like giving it a try to break the cycle and be a better person?

James 1:19-20

19 My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, 20 because human anger does not produce the righteousness that God desires.

Big Hug,

Thursday, March 1, 2012


Getting crazy with my homework and research paper for my last week of class I was working in a paper where I have to summarize a book in 500 words! How crazy is that? I am close to that now. The book is about how to integrate psychology, theology and spirituality in Christian counseling. Interesting! Well in one part the book is talking about prayer. The author explains about pray with clients during counseling. Moreover he explained that the scriptures told us to pray constantly and persistently.

Why we pray? Why you pray? Before read the book I will answer to those questions with a “well I pray to ask God for things that I think I need” or “I pray because I want my family to be safe”, or “I pray because I want to pass my classes with good grades” or “I pray because I need money to pay my bills” Think about why we pray? As I learn from this book prayer is a way not only to talk with God but a way to seek Him, know Him, get thirsty of Him.

Two years ago I meet this lady, which I considered today one of my best friends, I did not know anything about her. We start talking; I start asking personal questions to her, I start telling her about my troubles, sadness and happiness.  We start sharing personal things together, about our families and life. I did not know her before, but taking with her make me wonder who she is, and what things she do or have done.  The more you talk with that person the more you know that person, and the more you love or dislike that person.

When we pray we should not give to God our “to do list” to Him, we should share things with Him, and maybe you are thinking “yes, but what about Him?” “What He is going to share with me?” Well there is the Bible; with the Bible there will be a conversation. I know, at the beginning is hard to understand or believe what is written, but when you put your 5 senses in to it, you will find meaning to that. I am in that process now, not always find the response or understand what means, but what counts is that I know I am learning who is God and that He is listen to me, even when I can not hear His voice (literally speaking).

Luke 11:8-10

8 I tell you; even though he will not get up and give you the bread because of friendship, yet because of your shameless audacity he will surely get up and give you as much as you need. 9 “So I say to you: Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. 10 For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.

Big Hug,