Thursday, January 31, 2013


Transition point. Have you ever been in that point in your live? I think I am in that point right now. What is a transition point for me? It is like a point where you just staying there without moving just learning, observing, listening, receiving information, growing, and being still. It is like being standing in a 4 ways stop thinking which is the right way to go, analyzing which is the more convenient for you.

At this point is when it is really important to try to listen to God, try to understand who God is, try to look for Him, because our thinking might be kind of different of what God wants for us and at that point where we have so many roads to choose, we might be choosing the wrong one, or the most difficult, because we do not make the time to listen to God, because we ignore the signs that God is sending to us to choose the right path to follow, because we refuse to belief, because our pride is bigger than our faith, or simple because we do not care about what God wants for us.

God have a goal for each of us, but He gives us the option to choose how we want to get there, He gives us the right to decide if we want to reach the goal that he have prepared for us. I believe that His path to reach that goal it is not easy, but if we choose to follow Him I think His path will be easier even thought can be look scary at times.

Jeremiah 1:4-5

Now the word of the Lord came to me, saying, “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you; I appointed you a prophet to the nations.”

Big Hug,

Thursday, January 17, 2013


Just a while ago, I was taking with my older son about one bad grade that he obtains in one science project at school. I was explaining him that those type of projects are for help students improve their grades not to affect them how was in his case. I was mad, because he could have an A in his final grade for that class, but because that project, he end up with a B. I was asking him why he did not ask me for help, and he responds me that he did not need help. I tell him that if he did not need my help, he would not end up with the bad grade. I explain him that my background is in science that I could be a good help for him to have a good grade. I also explain him that even though I am in college, I always look for help for my projects, even though sometimes I think I don’t need it. Two or three heads think better than just one. I ask him that next time he have a project for school no matter if he knows what he have to do or not, he have to ask me for help even if is just too see how looks.

In the same week a friend of mine was having a surgery, and I was telling her about cooking and helping out with other mutual friends to help her around the house. She just says that she doesn’t want bother other people and that she does not need help, Really??? I told her that I do believe that she really needs all the help she can get.

We constantly are praying to God for help, and when He sends us the Help, we refuse it, contradictory right? Later on I was reading a devotional book about Jesus calling, and one of the days of that week it say “let me bless you with My grace and Peace” God is telling us let Him be with us let Him help us, and still we struggle to let Him work in our lives. Before my divorce, I never ask for help, because shame, pride, or what ever excuse I had. Today, if I need help, I reach out for help and ask God to help me to overcome whatever struggle I am going trough. The important thing here is recognized and chooses the right help, the one that would not harm us or to the people around us.

Psalm 119:170-173
170 Let my request for grace come before you; deliver me according to your promise!
171 Let my lips overflow with praise because you’ve taught me your statutes.
172 Let my tongue declare your word, because all your commandments are righteous.
173 Let your power help me because I have chosen your precepts.

Big Hug,

Thursday, January 10, 2013


Happy New Year 2013 to everyone! It had been a productive, learning, with ups and down year, but we made it and even pass the 2012 “end of the world” I guess is time to reflection of what we need to improve, who we need to help, what new challenge we have to face, and what new thing we can learn. Time for new resolutions or rollover the one that we did not finish last year (lose weight!). Time to keep looking what is God purpose in this world for us, if we don’t know yet. Time to forgive and be forgiven. Is a really good time for start a lot of new and exited things in our lives, but don’t forget that everything will happened in God’s time we want it or not (I am learning really hard that lesson).

I do not get tired of telling my kids; treat others how you want to be treated. I try to understand why people are so mean with others, what is the point? Teach them a lesson? There is good ways of teach a lesson and bad ways too. I believe that the best way to teach a lesson is with examples, with love, and with compassion, perhaps that was not the way Jesus taught us?

It is easy to lose temper, it is easier ignore, make feel bad, call names, yell, and despise other. It is hard to take control of our emotions and feelings, it is hard to give our arm to turn in favor of others, but in reality that is our main task in this world. It is the main task that God ask us, love each other, and still it is so hard for parents teach their kids with love, friends, couples, siblings, coworkers, why it is so hard to teach and help each others with love?

I know that is hard to teach with love specially to the one that hurt us, but that is exactly the ones that God want us to teach and help. God knows that there will be times that we will fail this task, we are not perfect, but the most important thing is that we recognize it and try to make it better next time. I believe that this is a good time to set up a new goal and challenge for us this year, teach with love and patience specially to the one that hurt us. Let see what happen…

1 Peter 4:8-10
Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins. Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling. 10 Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.

Big Hug,