Yesterday, I was talking about make the difference in our community or society. Did you make the time to think about that? Have you have the idea of what are you going to do to make the difference? I guess not or maybe yes? Anyways I have couple of suggestions for you to make the difference in your community.
You can start with talking with you kids about drugs, talk about sex, talk about consequences and talk about responsibilities. You can visit a shelter and volunteer to do anything. You can visit a nursing home. Did you know that our old people have tons and tons of histories to share with anybody? You don’t need to do much effort just sit and enjoy some histories. Imagine be all by your self in this word, your spouse die, your parents die, you siblings die or do not remember you. You don’t have kids or your kids live far away to take care of you. That sounds scary and sad at least for me. I had heard that grays are not just white hair but life experiences.
Think about what are you gift from God? Do you know how to bake? Do you enjoy gardening? Do you like reading to others? Do you like listening other people histories? God give us gifts not for us and only us, God give us gifts for be share with the people that do not have the gift. Think you buy new and nice shoes, would you like to show everybody your new shoes? Would you like that everybody look at your new shoes and the good looks on you? Apply the same to the gifts from God. Share it, show them, and enjoy them.
Have you ever thought about send a letter to someone in prison? I never think about that. What I can write to them? Why I have to help them? if they make the wrong decision and now they are have to pay the consequences. Why be kind with them? They deserve be there. Have you ever been in prison? I never have been there but I bet have to be scary and sad. If we can support and share God’s word with this people I am 100% sure that we will be making the difference in our society. Do you have to loose something if you try? Would you gain something if you try? I found this website is for write to prisoners check it out
John 5:24
24 Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life. He does not come into judgment, but has passed from death to life.
Big Hug,