Thursday, January 31, 2013


Transition point. Have you ever been in that point in your live? I think I am in that point right now. What is a transition point for me? It is like a point where you just staying there without moving just learning, observing, listening, receiving information, growing, and being still. It is like being standing in a 4 ways stop thinking which is the right way to go, analyzing which is the more convenient for you.

At this point is when it is really important to try to listen to God, try to understand who God is, try to look for Him, because our thinking might be kind of different of what God wants for us and at that point where we have so many roads to choose, we might be choosing the wrong one, or the most difficult, because we do not make the time to listen to God, because we ignore the signs that God is sending to us to choose the right path to follow, because we refuse to belief, because our pride is bigger than our faith, or simple because we do not care about what God wants for us.

God have a goal for each of us, but He gives us the option to choose how we want to get there, He gives us the right to decide if we want to reach the goal that he have prepared for us. I believe that His path to reach that goal it is not easy, but if we choose to follow Him I think His path will be easier even thought can be look scary at times.

Jeremiah 1:4-5

Now the word of the Lord came to me, saying, “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you; I appointed you a prophet to the nations.”

Big Hug,

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