Can you guess what is the picture that you see here? That picture represent a baby in his/her first 7 weeks of live. At this point the baby or you can call it zygote. Most women realize that they are pregnant at week 4 or 5 or like me for my first son at week 7. At this point the baby start pumping blood though the circulatory system. The brain, spinal cord and other internal organs have just begun to form too. You can recognize facial characteristics including eyes, ears and nostrils, and his or her arms and legs start growing.

This picture is at week 12 meaning 3 months. How you can see looks like a complete baby they even have finger nails! Your baby’s brain now has the same structure it will have at birth. They can feel if someone touches them and if you could touch his or her face they will open their mouth.
This picture is from a baby that was abort at 11 weeks of gestation. Can looks insignificant, they can even fit in couple of your fingers but use to have life, heart, arms, legs, brain, the only thing that she or her did not have was the strength to fight for his or her life or someone who can protect them.
The picture can be cruel, but we need to see reality as it is today. We need to stop supporting be murders, because is “women body and she can do whatever she wants” but what about baby’s life? Who can protect them? Who will fight for them? Since their parents are not available to protect them we need to protect them by not be in favor of the abortion. Zygote, fetus, baby, however you want to call it, still, is a live. Our society needs to stop judging girls and woman that become pregnant out of marriage, and start to support them in a responsible way of course. We need to teach especially young girls the consequences of having sex without protections; moreover we have to teach them that what they carry in their wombs is life.
Psalm 139:13-16
14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful,
I know that full well. 15 My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place, when I was woven together in the depths of the earth.
16 Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.
Big Hug,
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