Friday, February 22, 2013


Taking one of my classes for college my teacher share with us a passage from Luke that talks about how we reach Jesus in darkness time when we are in trouble. It is amazing how God talks to us, the same subject but in a way that uniquely each of us can understand. In the recent week I have been struggling with the father of my kids, with school, love life, and other thoughts that comes to my mind and kind off make me feel sad. In moments like those one that for me are dark times, I wonder where is God in the picture.

God is everywhere I go. How I now it? When I am running late to catch my bus and even when I know the bus must already leave, when I arrive the bus still there for some bizarre reason, when I am driving tired and just want to get home and all the traffic lights are green so I don’t have to stop, when I feel lonely and receive flowers from a truly good friend, when my oldest son sleeps with me at night even that he is a teenager and a “man” who does not sleep with his mom, when my youngest son prefers drink water instead of soda just to be able to eat next to me, and on and on. Little things that happened to us everyday remained us that we are not alone and God is helping us out.

My teacher mentions something that strike me, “this is your hour not your era or decade or year” meaning this darkness will pass too. Mean while as we all know we are never alone in some mysterious or obvious ways God let us know that He is with us helping us to carry our crosses. In darkness time is when our trust and faith comes handy, I think will be a good idea check them often.

James 1:2-5
Count it all joy, my brethren, when ye fall into manifold temptations;
Knowing that the proving of your faith worketh patience. And let patience have its perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, lacking in nothing. But if any of you lacketh wisdom, let him ask of God, who giveth to all liberally and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.

Big Hug,

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Pinky Day

Today, a regular day like every other one. Nah! is not true, it is a special day, because you do not see everyday so many hearts balloons, flowers, chocolates, and a lot of people wearing red or pink cloths. Officially, it is a special day. This morning, when I was getting ready to go to work the first thing that comes to my mind was dress black, because I don’t have a couple to share this day, but then I rethink that thought, really? that is the attitude that I am going take this morning? I have my kids who I adore and love with all my heart with whom I can share this “special” day, I have a wonderful family that I can count with to share this special day and other days, I have plenty of really good friends to share and say Happy Valentines day, and the most important thing, I have a God who loves me everyday of the year 24/7, He do not wait for a February 14 to tell and show me how much He loves me and care about me.

So, I change my mind, I feel much better and decide to wear pink today, do my hair, and make sure be happy all day. Have a bunch of chocolates that already start giving away to my bus driver who was really surprise, to the trolley driver who scream and say, “thanks my first chocolate of the day!” and to my coworker that love chocolates, that is something!

Happy Valentine’s Days! a day of love and friendship.

Ecclesiastes 4:9-10
Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor:
10 if either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls
and has no one to help them up.

Big Hug,

Wednesday, February 13, 2013


Yesterday, I have to take my son to the allergy doctor to figure out why he got so bad hives and swelling in his body out of the blue. Conclusion, that is normal and some people suffer of that. He just an antihistamine when that happen and that’s it! Well that is a relief. After the doctors visit, my son ask me to stay with him to have lunch. That is so sweet of him that he still wants to have lunch with his mom at school. I make some time and stay with him for lunch.

When entering to the school, I notice something different the doors where locked and I have to wait for the receptionist to open the door. As I enter I give all my information, went to my son’s classroom since he stay with my phone accidentally. When opening the door of his classroom the two teachers opened her eyes wide and then recognize me with a relief look. My son was in another classroom. So, I walk to the other classroom and I did not have the opportunity to meet this teacher before, so when I look at the door she stands up quickly and comes to me. I introduce myself and again, I got the relief look.

Since I have to wait one hour to lunch with my son, I have time to stay at the library and then wait at the lunchroom. Come to my mind how we as parents sometimes get for granted our kids teacher and school staff. As I wait in the lunchroom, I can see teachers dealing with kids to behave, make sure they eat, and keep control of lines all the time. I can see how they manage to have patience with more trouble kids. In some of them see love in their eyes for the work they were doing and also see some faces of tiredness.

Since the tragedy in Connecticut elementary school, I have been hearing a law that will allow one staff of each school carry a gun at school. I don’t think that is a good idea, because nobody is exempt of having a bad day, a mental crisis or loose his or her mind. I don’t think violence cure violence. I believe good moral values, positive incentive, and more support for teacher from parents and government can cure violence, but that is just my opinion.

One of the names that Jesus had was “teacher.” I have to say that I am very glad for the service that the teacher gives to our kids. I recognize, that they need to receive more incentive, better salaries, have more recognition of their work and more support from parents and government. Think, at the end of the day, who is the person that spend more time with our kids in a year calendar? What is the profession that we can call the beginning of learning? Nobody can have a profession without going though a school. I know that there are bad teacher that enter to the field of teaching for the wrong reason, but they are only few compared with the ones that everyday of the week are with our kids trying to teach not only math or science, they teach them good manners and values too.

James 3:1-2
Not many of you should become teachers, my fellow believers, because you know that we who teach will be judged more strictly. We all stumble in many ways. Anyone who is never at fault in what they say is perfect, able to keep their whole body in check.

Big Hug,

Monday, February 11, 2013


Sometimes, find peace in our days is really hard. Last week, I have a not peaceful week at all. My son had the flu, and also develops an allergic reaction to what doctors or I cannot determine. When things looks like going to improve get worse and worse. Not only the sickness but what everything comes from the sickness, plus people that you think will care about it make it more difficult for you to find peace. God promise us peace regardless all the circumstances that life bring us everyday. It is in does times that we just see darkness and felt loosing faith.

Still, God promise us light in our darkness days. When things looks really bad like a sickness, a surgery, troubles kids, sickness or lost of an unborn child, and many other circumstances that make our lives difficult and dark, God promise be there with us, helping us even when we are mad at Him, because we do not understand why He let things like that happened to us, who are so faithful and trustful to Him. We, whom glorify Him and try hard to follow Him, yet our path looks dark and lonely.

Perhaps, in moments like those one is when Jesus is closer to us. Moments like those are the moments when we need to be closer to God, we need to stop trying to give answers to questions that we do not understand, and start accepting our cross and always, always try to find the positive side of each circumstance. I am sure that at that hard darkness moment will be hard to see the positive side, but at the end of the storm, when the sun starts to shine again, try to meditate over the situation with a clear head. I am sure we will find at least one positive thing in the situation.

John 1:3-5

Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.

Big Hug,