Friday, September 30, 2011


I can call my-self a tree-huger.  I believe in recycling, and try to recycle every item that I can. I also, encourage my kids, family and friends to do it too.  Furthermore, I believe that recycling, and the protection of our environment is more something educational, and gets use too do it than other thing. Every week or every other week I take the things that we recycle at home, and take it to the recollection center and most of the time I take my kids so they can see where that goes, and teach them something good to protect our planet.

I notice that at the beginning when I start recycling at home they don’t participate too much, and complain about it.  Today after more than 6 months my kids know what things to recycle and where it goes, I even sometimes forgot about it, but they remain me that the water bottle goes, in the recycling bin!

The easier way to teach our kids something new is making it part of you everyday life.  You want they pray everyday before dinnertime, you must start doing it and after some time they will follow you and even remaind you that before eat they need do a prayer. Everybody knows that kids are the future, it is time to start teaching them about God, and the importance of follow Him and praise Him, among other good things like the protection of our environment.  At the beginning will be hard and they will complain about it but at the end your reward will be worth all the effort!

Psalm 104:14-15

 14You cause the grass to grow for the livestock
   and plants for man to cultivate,
that he may bring forth food from the earth
 15and wine to gladden the heart of man,
oil to make his face shine
   and bread to strengthen man’s heart.

Have a fun weekend!
Big Hug!

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Do You Trust in God?

Everyday I pick up my 12 years old son from his dad house every day, around the same time. When I get there I call him to his cell phone and in less than 5-8 minutes he is outside. Couple of week ago I get there, I call him and he did not respond. I call him probably 15 times. I get out of my car and knock the door, ring the bell and keep calling and calling.

After 10 minutes I was panicking, my head start thinking a lot of bad things that could happen to him. I think that he was kidnapping, I thought he ran away, I thought in hurt him-self, and as I keep thinking in all the bad things that could happen to him I jump the fence of the house go to the back yard and start knocking the back door and throwing little rocks to his bedroom.

I call all his friends, I call the school, I call his dad, and I couldn't find and news about him. After 30 minutes of my head thinking in all bad situations that could happened to him I jump to my car to drive to his school in my way to his school a school bus was coming in the opposite direction and I saw him! He was in the first sit. I turn around follow the but to his stop bus and the driver told me there were confusion with the bus number and he was in the wrong bus.

How many times we are in a situation were we panic and instead of talk to God or trust in Him we start thinking in the worse scenario? I am sure we do this with everybody; "my friend don't call me because he/she don't care about me", "my spouse is late he/she is cheating on me", "I don't feel good, I probably have a bad sickness" and we can keep on and on.

I believe positive thoughts bring positive actions, and positive results.  These are moments where God give us the chance to grow our faith in Him.  Let's try to take advantage of that moments, I know by experience is hard but trusting in God I know 100% sure that we will overcome the situation and our faith will grow stronger.

Proverbs 3:5-6

 5 Trust in the LORD with all your heart
   and lean not on your own understanding;
6 in all your ways submit to him,
   and he will make your paths straight.

Big Hug!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011


I created this blog for all my friends (friends = everybody) who would like to share their faith in our God. During some weekdays I will post a "blog" about everyday life experiences and associated them with scriptures from the Bible. You can be amaze how you can find answers from a book that was written before Jesus Christ born. I think that is one of the reasons to be call it "alive word"

I hope you enjoy this blog and share your experiences too! We can learn from each others, find support, and comfort from good people or simply you can use it as a way for reflection.

2 Timothy 3:16

16 All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness

Big Hug!